CareFront Medical Group

Annual Physical Exam

Dedicate yourself to a higher quality of healthcare!

Schedule Your Annual Physical Examination at CareFront Medical Group

CareFront Medical Group advocates for early prevention in healthcare. The annual physical examination we insist our employees undergo is more than a standard physical exam. We are your health partners—our charge nurses will always provide ample time to listen to your issues,concerns, answer your questions fully, and guide you in making the right decisions for your healthcare.

Whether you are dealing with an illness or maintaining a healthy life, every day is a journey we tackle with our patients here at CareFront Medical Group. We invite you to become our client because your health is our priority.

annual physical management center

Trust in CareFront Medical Group

If you’re ready to take the next step toward better health, locate your nearest CareFront Medical Group and schedule an appointment today.

Why Annual Physicals Matter

Preventive care is important to an individual’s overall health and wellness, especially annual physical examinations. By getting physical check-ups occasionally, you can take control of your health and identify what needs to be treated before it worsens. These exams provide an opportunity for disease diagnosis in its early stage, where management is more effective.

What to Expect During Your Annual Physical Examinations

When you visit any CareFront Medical Group for your annual physical examination, you can be assured of careful check-ups of your general body health. Your healthcare providers will look at your past and present symptoms or your medical history, including chronic diseases, medications, and prior surgical operations, if there are any. A generic assessment of clinical findings may be done, which may include blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and body mass index (BMI).

Depending on your age, gender, and individual health needs, additional screenings and tests may be recommended, such as:

Our healthcare providers will also advise you on how daily practices can affect one’s health, such as your diet, physical activity, sleep quality, and stress levels. We aim to work with you to adopt healthy lifestyle practices for the ideal well-being.

Benefits of Annual Physicals at CareFront Medical Group

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I schedule an annual physical?

We advised that physical examinations be done once a year to check your health status and monitor any complications that may arise.

Will my insurance cover the cost of an annual physical at CareFront Medical Group?

Many insurance plans cover annual physical examinations as part of routine health screening. However, the level of coverage may depend on the insurance company you are with and the type of policy you have taken out. Liaising with your insurance provider to get a clear standing is advisable.

Do I need to fast before my annual check-up if they plan to take blood samples?

Fasting tests include lipid profiles and glucose tests, which means that a person may be required to fast before undergoing specific blood tests. It is always advisable to consult your physicians about any particular dietary restrictions that may be fundamental to your appointment. However, if fasting is essential, it is advised to do so, including avoiding food and any liquid (besides water) for a given period before the appointment.