CareFront Medical Group

Diabetes Management: Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms & Treatment

Type 1 diabetes, commonly referred to as juvenile diabetes, is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas produces little or no insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body. The CDC reports that roughly 2 million Americans live with this disorder, and though all were born with the genes that lead to Type 1 diabetes, not all were Type 1 diabetic at birth. Many times Type 1 diabetes lies dormant during adolescence, and it is often triggered by other health complications such as a viral infection. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the cells that facilitate the production of insulin. The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, but its indicators, effects, and treatments are well documented.

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes typically develop quickly and can include increased thirst, uninduced fatigue, unintended weight loss, blurred vision, and unexpected urination, especially in younger children. If left untreated, Type 1 Diabetes can result in serious health complications, including nerve damage, kidney problems, and heart disease.

Generally, Type 1 diabetes is identified and diagnosed in children or young adults, but it can occur at any age. Familial history of the disease, or lack thereof, can be a good gauge of whether a patient is likely to develop Type 1 diabetes, though it is no guarantee. 

As a result, Type 1 diabetes can often take individuals and families by surprise. This is where primary care physicians like our team at Carefront Medical Group with diabetes management near you, can help. There is no known cure for type 1 diabetes, but we can help diagnose and manage the disorder through the integration of a healthy diet, regular exercise, insulation therapy, and blood sugar monitoring into a patient’s lifestyle.

Type 1 Diabetes Management & Treatment: Diet, Exercise, and Insulin Therapy

First, a healthy diet is essential for managing Type 1 diabetes. Avoiding sugary or processed foods and adopting a balanced diet that includes various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent complications. 

Next, regular exercise can also help diminish the impact of Type 1 diabetes on your lifestyle. It is the most useful treatment for Type 1 Diabetes. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, reduces the risk of complications, and regulates blood sugar. Be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels carefully before, during, and after exercise to prevent hypoglycemia or other complications.

Monitoring blood sugar levels is another critical facet of Type 1 diabetes management. The only available type 1 diabetes treatment is Insulin Therapy. Regular blood sugar testing can help identify patterns and adjust insulin therapy as needed. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices can also help track blood sugar levels in real-time and provide alerts for high or low blood sugar levels.

Insulin therapy is the final pillar of medical Type 1 diabetes management. In insulin therapy, insulin is routinely introduced into the bloodstream through injections or an insulin pump, which delivers the hormone through a small tube inserted under the skin. The goal of insulin therapy is to keep blood sugar levels within a target range, which can help prevent short-term symptoms from arising and can also minimize the chance of long-term health complications.

At Hillside Primary Care, we understand that Type 1 diabetes can be difficult in many ways. Our facilities and staff are at your service, to ensure you get the quality of care you deserve. Retake control of your life with Carefront Medical Group diabetes treatment services including identification and monitoring, lifestyle guidance, medication prescriptions, and much more. Call (210)-876-1451 or book an online appointment today!